Once upon a time, my wife (Jessica) and I were fanfiction writing ladies who geeked out over Gundam Wing boys and Resident Evil. Now? We’re still geeks and still have our fandoms, but we’re also a cosplaying couple who write books, discuss the importance of representation, and do our best to keep our three butt-head cats in line.
We’ve decided to open a Patreon so we can ensure that our fans always have access to the things we’re creating. Our Patreon offers a mix of cosplay, writing, and art, and patrons will always get a first glance at what we have planned. We’ll also come up with ways for our patrons to be more involved with our projects, whether it’s voting on upcoming costumes, or getting sneak peeks at our future books. As we get more funding, we plan on adding more perks and increasing the quality of our work along the way.
Thank you for helping us continue to create and work to expand our business. Click on the link below to get to the page: