This page is dedicated to the fans who have actually taken time out to cosplay the characters of magnifiqueNOIR. Just like with the fanart, I am floored by the amount of love my series has been getting.
Click on the images to get the full picture.
Thank You Shockolate Energy Cosplay for your wonderful interpretation of Galactic Purple! This was done before I even had an outfit sketched out for her, so I was very touched to see someone cosplay her so soon! Please click on the image to get the full picture.
Thank You Teya Tarver-Smith for your cosplay of Prism Pink! It was amazing to see this in person! Needless to say, I was in tears and could barely hold it together <3
Thank You Briana Harvey for your cosplay of Prism Pink! I am honored that you cosplayed my magical girl <3
- Progress pic 1
- Progress pic 2
- Front view
- Back view
- Prism Pink meets KayBear Cosplay
If you want to cosplay any of the characters PLEASE DO SO and PLEASE let me know when you do it. You can email at or, or you can reach out via social media.