
All posts for the month October, 2018

Hey there, magical ones! I’ve got 4 weekends of events coming your way! They are:

Date: October 19 – 21st

Location: Minneapolis, MN

Where to Find Me: ARTIST ALLEY! I will have a table and will be selling all weekend. Table location will be posted closer to the event.

Date: October 27th

Time: 10AM – 3PM

Location: Minneapolis, MN

Where to Find Me: GUEST AUTHOR! I will have a table and will be selling my work. Table location will be posted closer to the event.

Date: November 2 – 4th

Location: Omaha, NE

Where to Find Me: I AM A GUEST AT THIS CONVENTION! This means I will have a table where I will be selling all weekend, AND I will also be doing panels. Table location and panel updates will be posted soon!

Date: November 9 – 11th

Location: Galveston, TX

Where to Find Me: I AM A GUEST AT THIS CONVENTION! This means I will have a table where I will be selling all weekend, AND I will also be doing panels. Table location and panel updates will be posted soon!

Also, here’s some quick updates:

  1. There’s some new PLUS ULTRA prints available in the shop!
  2. There’s a new freelance section for INVERSE.COM!

That’s all for now. Thank you, magical ones!