
All posts for the month September, 2017

Happy Friday, magical one! Time for a slew of updates!

First and foremost, WE HAVE A RELEASE DATE FOR THE BOOK! It is, drum roll please, OCTOBER 3RD!!! If you click on the shiny banner below, you’ll be taken to the official event page for it!

To add, the book will be at a discounted price until the beginning of October (physical copies) so now is the time to get magical!

Next order of business: there’s some updates in the Interviews & Features section for you all to check out πŸ™‚

And how about some COMIC updates? We got those, too!

We also got new stuff to check out in the MERCHANDISE section! There are now Stickers and Postcards you can add to your magnifiqueNOIR collection!

Last, but not least, the CONVENTIONS AND EVENTS section has been updated with more appearances for this year. The great thing about these fall shows is that we will, most likely, have copies of the book at our table!

That’s all for now! And don’t forget: you are magical!

Hey there, magical ones! So the Indiegogo is in “InDemand” mode, which means you can still pledge various tiers. This weekend will be the LAST WEEKEND this option will be open. Come Monday, I’ll be turning it off, because it’ll be time to prepare for the launch at the end of the month!

***though backers/ppl who preordered at cons should be getting it in the mail a little bit before that assuming the print copy is good to go, it should be here on Monday for me to look over***

If there’s a tier you want, or you wanna snag the book at the discounted campaign price, now is the time. You’ll still be able to order it on the website (and hopefully preorder on Amazon soon) but the Indiegogo will no longer be an option (mostly so I don’t have to keep track of too many things). The campaign may be ending, but next week, we will have a few bundles on the website! They just won’t be the same as the ones on the campaign (particularly the high priced ones).

Thanks for all the support. Stay tuned for even more updates come Monday!

PS: IF YOU PLEDGE A TIER AND I HAVE TO REORDER THE ITEMS IN IT, I will send the book first and foremost and send those items separately so you can get your read onΒ 

Campaign link is HERE!!!

Hey there, magical ones! A lot of exciting updates to make!

  • Formatting for the book is DONE and it is GLORIOUS! Once I look it over and give my approval, it’s off to the print so we can have ourselves a 398 pages magical girl book. Yep, the book is almost 400 pages! WOW! Here are some amazing samples of what the inside of the book will look like:

  • Also, I have a little something extra for those who pledged to the campaign/preordered the book, since it’s taken longer than I expected to get it done. It’s not much, but it’s a token of my appreciation for the support, and patience, with this project <3 <3 <3
  • In the Interviews & Features section, there’s some interviews that I got to do about my work that you should totally go check out!
  • Is it too early to be talking about the 2018 convention season. NOPE! Check out the CONVENTIONS AND EVENTS tab to see what’s going on!
  • More Watchmojo and MsMojo? Yep, we got that too!

Stay tuned for more updates as we get closer and closer to the official release of the book! And don’t forget: you are magical!